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Loneliness SW106

Loneliness is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Social welfare category.

3,003 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 1.48% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:

\b(loneliness|befriending|social(ly)? (deprivation|isolat(ion|ed)|exclu(sion|ded)|contact)|lonely|isolation)\b

Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 682 0.90%
£10k - £100k 973 1.43%
£100k - £250k 428 2.06%
£250k - £500k 253 2.57%
£500k - £1m 138 2.24%
£1m - £10m 139 1.63%
Over £10m 18 0.88%
Total 2,631 1.38%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 2,118 1.24%
oscr 616 2.47%
ccni 269 3.73%
Total 3,003 1.48%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
CHANGE, GROW, LIVE [Charity number: 1079327]
CGL provides a range of services to support individuals, families and communities whose lives are adversely affected by crime, substance misuse, homelessness, anti-social behaviour, domestic violence, social deprivation and lack of opportunity.The Charity works with challenging service users with complex needs, including those with entrenched drug habits and offending behaviour.
Culture and Sport Glasgow [Charity number: SC037844]
4.1 To advance the arts, heritage, culture and science. 4.2 To advance education. 4.3 To advance public participation in sport which involves physical skill and exertion. 4.4 To advance health. 4.5 To promote civic responsibility, volunteering, the voluntary sector and/or the effectiveness or efficiency of charities. 4.6 To provide recreational facilities, and organise recreational activities, where such facilities/activities are available to members of the public at large with the object of improving their conditions of life. 4.7 To relieve those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. 4.8 To advance citizenship and community development (including urban regeneration) by harnessing the cultural and leisure assets of Glasgow, the contribution made by activities in furtherance of paragraphs 4.1 to 4.7, and a range of other measures, to increase vibrancy and promote positive perceptions of Glasgow as a place to work, live, study play, visit and invest - in a common effort with other public, private and third sector partners to address issues of social, economic and physical deprivation across the City of Glasgow, including health inequalities, social exclusion and unemployment. 4.9 To advance such similar charitable purposes as the directors may consider appropriate from time to time. through the provision of services (including those entrusted to it by Glasgow City Council) which contribute to advancing well-being (primarily the wellbeing of residents of Glasgow) including (i) the operation, management and development of museums, art galleries and other facilities which provide public access to collections of works of art, antiquities and objects of scientific interest. (ii) the development and delivery of arts and cultural activities and events, artistic programmes, scientific/research programmes and educational projects. (iii) the operation, management and development of libraries and the provision of library and archive services. (iv) the operation, management and development of indoor and outdoor sports facilities (including arrangements to facilitate access to such facilities by those on lower incomes or having special needs and to encourage wider participation in healthy exercise).(maximum text reached, further full information can be obtained directly from the Charity)
DOGS TRUST LEGACY [Charity number: 227523]
Dogs Trust operates a network of rehoming centres across the UK; each provides dog accomodation, puppy houses, isolation blocks and treatment rooms.Dogs Trust provides financial assistance to allow owners in genuine need to have their dogs neutered through participating veterinary practices.Dogs Trust provides dog training and educational material on responsible dog ownership.
AGE UK [Charity number: 1128267]
Age UK aims to create a world where older people can live their lives free from poverty, isolation and neglect. It raises awareness of issues affecting older people in the UK and overseas, researches and campaigns for changes in policy and practice, and offers practical support to disadvantaged older people. It is funded by individuals, companies and trusts.
ALZHEIMER'S SOCIETY [Charity number: 296645]
Alzheimer's Society staff and volunteers provide services to people affected by dementia, including day care and home care, support and befriending services across England, Wales, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland. We provide information and training, and every year we invest in research. We campaign for the rights of people with dementia and those who care for them.
THE SINGLE HOMELESS PROJECT [Charity number: 287779]
SHP is a London-based charity that works to prevent homelessness and help vulnerable and socially excluded people to transform their lives. We do this by providing support and accommodation, promoting wellbeing, enhancing opportunity, and being a voice for change. Our services are located across 20 London boroughs.
Al-Khair Foundation [Charity number: SC042234]
3.1.1 The advancement of general and religious education including but not restricted to the study, promotion and support of: (i) primary, secondary, college and university education. (ii) knowledge and understanding of Muslims and the beliefs, teachings and practices of Islam and of any other useful knowledge. (iii) good parenting skills and the protection of women, children and young people. (iv) comparative religion and interfaith dialogue with the aim of securing mutual understanding, tolerance, harmony and peace between Muslims and those who hold different or similar beliefs and follow different or similar ways of life. (vi) art and culture. (vii) enhancing, improving and strengthening local communities by means of promoting community cohesion in particular and supporting community regeneration in general. (viii) the deterrence and prevention of any form of discrimination including but not restricted to racial, religious, disability and gender discrimination. (ix) the prevention of alcohol and drugs abuse and misuse. (x) the prevention of gambling and debt. (xi) the prevention of crime including any form of terrorism. (xii) the promotion of Islamic Shari'a compliant finance. (xiii) the observance and maintenance of human rights in accordance with the rule of law. 3.1.2 The relief of poverty, sickness, distress and suffering of any persons who are in need including orphans, refugees , disabled and displaced people irrespective of their nationality, race, ethnic origin and religious beliefs including but not restricted to the relief of those who are the victims of : (i) natural disasters including droughts, earthquakes, epidemics, fires, hurricane and goods. (ii) man-made disasters including industrial accidents, social conflict and wars. (iii) racial, religious, disability or gender discrimination. (iv) alcohol and drugs abuse and misuse. (v) gambling and debt. (vi) economic and social deprivation. (vii) crime including any form of terrorism.
CLARION FUTURES [Charity number: 1135056]
The objects of the Charity are to develop the capacity and skills of the members of any socially and economically disadvantaged community so that they are better able to participate more fully in society; the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship and to promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded.
FRIENDS OF THE ELDERLY [Charity number: 226064]
The charity offers residential, nursing and dementia care to older people in care homes on nine sites across England. We operate day care centres and a free-to-access grants service for individuals, and work to combat the devastating effects of loneliness among older people. Our vision is for a society in which all older people have the opportunity to live fulfilled lives.
Community Lifestyles Ltd [Charity number: SC028041]
The Charity’s objects are: To provide services which support disabled people to live in the community as full citizens with the same rights and opportunities as others. Services shall include (but may not be limited to): • The provision of flexible, person centred social care support for daily living activities • Creating, facilitating and supporting leisure, learning and employment activities • Promoting, building and encouraging relationships and peer support that reduce social isolation

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
BOOMERANG CARDIFF [Charity number: 1172898]
Boomerang Cardiff has been an ongoing project since our inception in 2017. Under the umbrella of our organisation we have 5 key areas.Homelessness/Prevention of homelessness In Work PovertySocial Isolation/LonelinessCommunity Engagement/EducationHealth/Physical Wellbeing
MIDDLETON ELDERLY AID [Charity number: 1100601]
Middleton Elderly Aid is a Neighborhood Network Scheme in Leeds working to reduce social isolation for the over 60s in Middleton. We offer Lunch clubs Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We also run activities all day 6 days a week. We have a variety of groups such as crafts, various exercise groups, computer classes, etc. Charity Shop open 9 - 3 and the Social Centre 9.-4 6 days a week.
The Good Cocoa Bean [Charity number: SC053139]
4 The organisation's purposes are: 4.1 The advancement of citizenship and community development particularly through the provision of information, training, assistance and support to socially and economically disadvantaged groups and individuals to help them alleviating poverty and the effects of poverty and overcome their social exclusion and participate in a more inclusive local and global society . 4.2 The advancement of education particularly through the development of learning in relation to the effects of child poverty, exploitation and worst forms of child labour [WFCL] 4.3 Raising awareness and advance the rights of children and young people who have experienced abuse, worst forms of child labour [WFCL] and child slavery and work towards reconciliation of families and communities where these practices have negatively impacted those involved. 4.4 The provision of community facilities, or the organization of community activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended.
BEYOND SIGHT LOSS [Charity number: 1194143]
Beyond Sight Loss is a user-led charity addressing loneliness and social isolation of blind and partially sighted people in Tower Hamlets. Members meet to socialise and share information about inclusive activities, events and opportunities to improve health and wellbeing. Outings take place in accessible museums, parks, theatre and sporting events.
RED LETTER PROJECT [Charity number: 1174618]
The Red Letter Project is a charitable organisation with a Christian ethos which provides for the needs of the local community in and around the parish of St. Johns church in Great Horton, Bradford. It's key activities are the provision of a community hall, a lunch group open to the needy and lonely, a food bank/shared table, evangelical support for local schools and the provision of a nursery.
NEWTOWN AND DISTRICT DIAL A RIDE [Charity number: 1005861]
Newtown Dial-a-Ride provides fully accessible community transport for the elderly, disabled and otherwise vulnerable adults and children living in Newtown and the surrounding area. Our mission is to reduce the social and geographical isolation and public transport poverty impacting those living in rural areas and to facilitate access to essential health care appointments and social activities.
That Place In The Bay [Charity number: SC051794]
4 The organisation’s purposes are: (a) The provision of recreational facilities, the organisation of recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended, by offering a variety of activities for all members of the community, to promote social inclusion and ending social isolation. (b) the advancement of citizenship and community development by creating a variety of free community activities, being a meeting point for community groups. (c) The advancement of the arts by creating free and low cost art classes to encourage the learning and participation in various fields of the arts (d) The advancement of environmental protection or improvement – by working with local environmental groups, to be an education centre for workshops, promoting carbon reducing initiatives and encouraging less use of ‘single use’ plastic and greater recycling. (e) The advancement of health and the saving of lives by being a venue for self help groups such as Andy’s Man Club, Women In Mind, diet and exercise groups
THE KELLY FOUNDATION [Charity number: 1200389]
Promote the advancement of good mental health by providing support services, facilities, recreation. Relieve the needs of people experiencing poor mental health by gathering & disseminating information & working to raise awareness. Promote understanding & support & to challenge stigma & discrimination, promote social inclusion for public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded
Community Intercultural Programme [Charity number: NI102018]
CIP promotes the integration of new communities via the delivery of the following programmes 1.Advice and Advovacy Service. Clients from diverse community backgrounds are assisted by Inclusion Officers & volunteers who help with matters such as, Rights, Employment, Housing, Entitlements, Hate Crime, Education & Social Exclusion issues 2. Family Support Programme. Families are supported via Intercultural Parent & Toddler groups, physical activity sessions, health and wellbeing projects and signposted to external services. 3. Intercultural Youth Programme. Children and young people from diverse communities benefit from Intercultural After School Clubs, Drop-In Youth Provision and a range of Personal Development projects. 4. Exploitation Awareness Programme. Staff & volunteers deliver human trafficking and exploitation awareness projects to young people in school and community settings and deliver training on exploitation issues to community and statutory groups. 5. Good Relations Programme. Includes the delivery of Cultural Diversity workshops, intercultural events, training and cross community youth initiatives. 6. CIP is represents ethnic communities interests on a series of local and regional forums and committees on which the group lobbys for improved service provision.
Tartan Talkers (SCIO) [Charity number: SC051888]
4 The charity will be non-profit distributing with the object of the advancement of the health and the saving of lives, specifically in connection with male suicide prevention by offering but not limited to: 4.1 the advancement of education by improving public awareness of the issues related to male suicide. 4.2 a local, service that will allow people who are feeling suicidal or have had thoughts about suicide to be able to talk to someone qualified in counselling. 4.3 access to information and practical support that will assist prevent and reduce male suicide by breaking the isolation of those thinking about suicide and allow them a safe, confidential, non-judgemental environment to share their feelings and anxieties. In furtherance of the stated object the charity's purposes shall be: 4.4 Do all such other lawful things as appear to the Committee of Trustees to be necessary or desirable in pursuance of these objects.