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Human rights SO105

Human rights is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Society category.

897 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 0.45% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:

\b((human|civil|constitutional|civic|natural|unalienable|god[ -]given) rights?|civil liberties|freedom of (speech|religion|congregation)|authoritarianism)\b

Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 271 0.33%
£10k - £100k 193 0.30%
£100k - £250k 94 0.49%
£250k - £500k 94 1.04%
£1m - £10m 76 0.96%
£500k - £1m 63 1.09%
Over £10m 27 1.46%
Total 818 0.43%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 429 0.25%
oscr 419 1.65%
ccni 49 0.69%
Total 897 0.45%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
Oxfam [Charity number: SC039042]
To prevent and relieve poverty and to protect the vulnerable, including through humanitarian intervention. . To advance sustainable development. To promote human rights and equality and diversity, in particular where to do so contributes to the prevention and relief of poverty.
United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF [Charity number: SC043677]
5.1 The objects of the Charity are: 5.2 to promote human rights for children (as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other relevant United Nations conventions and declarations, and other relevant international and regional human rights instruments) throughout the world. 5.3 To further charitable work for children throughout the world including work through families and their communities for : 5.3.1 The relief of poverty and need. 5.3.2 The provision of education and training. 5.3.3 The promotion and protection of, and provision for , health. and 5.3.4 The protection of children who are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.
THE SIGRID RAUSING TRUST [Charity number: 1194828]
The Trust gives grants to support work on human rights, fairness and inclusion and the Environment. We support groups in a number of focus regions and countries internationally. We also make occasional major gifts and support via our Trustees' small grants programme.
The International Rescue Committee UK is an independent British charity, established in 1997 as part of the International Rescue Committee network. The IRC provides emergency relief, protection of human rights, post-conflict reconstruction, resettlement assistance & advocacy to those uprooted or affected by violent conflict, oppression and natural disaster in countries around the world.
Mercy Corps Europe [Charity number: SC030289]
The objects of the Company are:- (a) the relief of poverty. (b) the advancement of health. (c) the advancement of community development. (d) the saving of lives. (e) the advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation. and (f) the advancement of environmental protection
Postcode Support Trust [Charity number: SC045861]
The Company is incorporated for charitable objects and purposes only with the intention of providing public benefit in Scotland or elsewhere, and in particular the Company is established to promote: 3.1 The advancement of education. 3.2 The promotion of equality and diversity. 3.3 The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation. 3.4 The advancement of citizenship or community development. 3.5 The advancement of arts, heritage, culture or science. and 3.6 The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.
Postcode Education Trust [Charity number: SC045922]
The Company is incorporated for charitable objects and purposes only with the intention of providing public benefit in Scotland or elsewhere, and in particular the Company is established to promote: 3.1 The advancement of education. 3.2 The advancement of health. 3.3 The advancement of citizenship or community development. 3.4 The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation. and 3.5 The promotion of equality and diversity.
Postcode Justice Trust [Charity number: SC043779]
3. The Company is incorporated for charitable objects and purposes only with the intention of providing public benefit in Scotland or elsewhere, and in particular the Company is established to promote: 3.1 the advancement of education. 3.2 the advancement of health. 3.3 the advancement of citizenship or community development. 3.4 the advancement of public participation in sport. and 3.5 the advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation. and 3.6 the promotion of equality and diversity.
Postcode International Trust [Charity number: SC044835]
3 The Company is incorporated for charitable objects and purposes only with the intention of providing public benefit in Scotland or elsewhere, and in particular the Company is established to promote: 3.1 The prevention or relief of poverty. 3.2 The advancement of education. 3.3 The advancement of health. 3.4 The saving of lives. 3.5 The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation. 3.5 The promotion of equality and diversity. and 3.6 The advancement of environmental protection and improvement.
BBC MEDIA ACTION [Charity number: 1076235]
BBC Media Action uses media and communication to reduce poverty and promote human rights, thereby enabling people to build better lives. We work in more than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Central Asia. We have three main thematic areas: health, governance and humanitarian, and two subsidiary areas: education/livelihoods and climate.

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
The Duffy Foundation [Charity number: SC049854]
4 The organisation's purposes are: 4.1 the prevention or relief of poverty. 4.2 the advancement of education. 4.3 the advancement of religion. 4.4 the advancement of health. 4.5 the saving of lives. 4.6 the advancement of citizenship or community development. 4.7 the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science. 4.8 the advancement of public participation in sport. 4.9 the provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended. 4.10 the advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation. 4.11 the promotion of religious or racial harmony. 4.12 the promotion of equality and diversity. 4.13 the advancement of environmental protection or improvement. 4.14 the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. 4.15 the advancement of animal welfare. 4.16 any other purpose that may reasonably be regarded as analogous to any of the preceding purposes. and 4.17 using the income and capital of the organisation, at such time or times and in such amounts as the charity trustees think fit, for the giving of grants, donations, gifts or loans, to individuals or organisations where doing so would further one or more of the above purposes as the trustees shall from time to time in their absolute discretion think fit.
Bryson Corbett Charitable Trust [Charity number: SC007033]
1. The prevention and relief of poverty 2. The advancement of education 3. The advancement of religion 4. The advancement of health 5. The advancement of civic responsibility or community development 6. The advancement of arts, heritage, culture, or science 7. The advancement of public participation in sport 8. The promotion of human rights, conflict resolution and reconciliation 9. The advancement of environmental protection and improvement 10. The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage 11. The promotion of animal welfare 12. Any other purpose that may reasonably be regarded as analogous to any of the preceding purposes.
Wave of Peace [Charity number: 1177959]
Promotion of human rights Education & services
Continuing support of Free Word and working towards the setting up of structures for the operation of 60 Farringdon Road London as a resource centre for purposes to achieve the charity's objects.
THE GREEN ROOM CHARITABLE TRUST [Charity number: 1134766]
Grant make and invest in UK registered charities: Human rights, Global poverty, Social enterprises. Environment & sustainability (investment only) and Ethical investments. Charities with sustainable model and enterprise approach. Volunteering should be harnessed wherever possible. Collaboration with charities in same sector. Empowerment of women key. Tackle problems from all angles
BELULA [Charity number: 1194045]
Belula's core aim is to elevate the physical, psychological, social and economic living standards of the most economically deprived children across South America in order to secure access to fundamental human rights.
The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland [Charity number: SC037475]
The company’s objects are:- a) to advance the health of and to relieve the needs of people suffering from long term conditions (including those people who live with deafness, hearing loss, sight loss and deafblindness) and of the elderly (hereinafter called “the beneficiaries”), in particular by bringing together voluntary organisations established for the relief of beneficiaries in a common effort to improve their care, treatment and management. b) to advance the education of the public on the causes, effects, treatment and management of all long term conditions and, additionally, of the specific needs of the elderly. c) to advance the human rights of the beneficiaries and to promote equality and diversity in respect of such people including through the development of policy initiatives and establishing a dialogue with public sector and other bodies, in this regard. d) to relieve the needs of people whose welfare is adversely affected by problems in accessing appropriate health care, social care and/or welfare support and their families and carers by (a) providing advice and one-to-one support and/or (b) by directing them to appropriate organisations and agencies which are in a position to assist and/or (c) by encouraging them to participate in activities in the community which may improve their health and wellbeing.”
RIGHT TO EDUCATION INITIATIVE [Charity number: 1173115]
RTE promotes education as a human right, making international and national law accessible to everybody. We conduct research and legal analysis and we develop tools and guides to help understand and effectively use human rights mechanisms to claim and enforce the right to education.
KOREA FUTURE INITIATIVE CIO [Charity number: 1185332]
We investigate human rights violations in North Korea to support accountability for perpetrators and accelerate justice for victims.
The charity concerns itself with supporting projects in developing countries to do with education, the alleviation of poverty, care of children, human rights, promoting sport and the environment. The charity operates alongside the Projects Abroad group of companies which arranges worthwhile volunteering experiences in the developing world and it supports the projects they are involved with.

Last update: January 2, 2024
Created: January 2, 2024