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Domiciliary care SC105

Domiciliary care is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Social care category.

215 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 0.11% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:

\b(dom(iciliary)? care|domiciliary|home care|care at home|home and respite care|care.*in their own homes|home visiting service)\b

Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 19 0.03%
£10k - £100k 33 0.05%
£100k - £250k 23 0.11%
£250k - £500k 21 0.21%
£500k - £1m 15 0.24%
£1m - £10m 66 0.78%
Over £10m 30 1.47%
Total 207 0.11%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 181 0.11%
oscr 20 0.08%
ccni 14 0.19%
Total 215 0.11%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
ALZHEIMER'S SOCIETY [Charity number: 296645]
Alzheimer's Society staff and volunteers provide services to people affected by dementia, including day care and home care, support and befriending services across England, Wales, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland. We provide information and training, and every year we invest in research. We campaign for the rights of people with dementia and those who care for them.
Enable Scotland (Leading The Way) [Charity number: SC021731]
The Company’s objects are to promote the welfare of people with learning disabilities by the promotion of services to them and their carers, including (without prejudice to the foregoing generality) services for:- (a) employment, training and occupation. (b) day care. (c) holidays and respite care. (d) domiciliary assistance. (e) advocacy. (f) education. (g) medical or nursing care. (h) financial and personal management and advice. and the foregoing may be promoted either by the Company making such provision itself or, insofar as it is charitable in Law, by the Company fostering, facilitating and encouraging such provision by others and to that end providing and promoting information, advice, assistance, education and research. The above objects shall be construed subject to the provision that they are charitable
CARE SOUTH [Charity number: 1014697]
Care South provides quality care services in the south of England to up to 2000 people each day. All aspects of care including dementia, nursing, frailty and special needs are provided to people either in Care South's care homes or in their own homes.
THE AVENUES TRUST GROUP [Charity number: 1130473]
The Avenues Group pioneers specialist social care that supports individuals facing disadvantage through illness and disability so they can live full lives in their local communities. We support adults and children in their own homes or in a residential setting who have learning disabilities, autism, mental health issues, acquired brain injury or dementia.
Quarriers [Charity number: SC001960]
2.1 To promote the relief and advancement of life opportunities for those faced with and affected by disadvantage through disability, addiction, chronic and/or terminal illness, mental infirmity, financial hardship and/or poverty and homelessness through person centred care and support in such ways as the company shall from time to time think fit without regard to race, nationality, creed, age, gender, or sexual orientation and without geographical restriction and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of such objects): (a) By establishing, maintaining and conducting residential care and other support services for the reception and care of persons who are suffering from any chronic and/or terminal illness or from any other physical or mental infirmity, disability or disease and by providing medical or other treatment and attention for any such persons. (b) Providing practical care and support of persons suffering from the effects of disability, chronic and/or terminal illness, poverty or suffering (such persons being hereinafter referred to as “the People We Support”) which care and support may include, without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the provision of counselling and emotional, therapeutic, financial, educational and domiciliary support, the provision of information, advice and training, the provision of nursing and medical services, the provision and facilitation of accommodation, the provision and facilitation of vocational training and employment services and/or other training to the People We Support. (c) By conducting or promoting or encouraging research and evaluation into the care, welfare and support of the People We Support and the dissemination of knowledge. Maximum text reached, further full information can be obtained directly from the Charity
REAL LIFE OPTIONS [Charity number: 1156258]
Real Life Options provides support and care to people in the United Kingdom who have disabilities. In particular, the organisation provides and manages services on a peripatetic and domiciliary basis, and provides care and support through the provision of residential housing, both directly and in conjunction with other voluntary agencies, charities and housing associations.
Real Life Options [Charity number: SC045939]
The Association's objects (the 'Objects') are: 1. The relief of those who are in need by reason of disability by such means as the Directors see fit, including but not limited to, providing: 1.accommodation. or 2. care and support services (whether peripatetic, domiciliary or otherwise
BRUNELCARE [Charity number: 201555]
Brunelcare is a registered charity and social landlord providing choice and care for older people in Somerset, North Somerset, Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire and Bristol. Brunelcare provides sheltered and extra care housing, care homes and domiciliary care and support.
Bryson Charitable Group [Charity number: NI101396]
Our services are delivered through five subsidiary charitable companies and two social enterprise trading companies. Our work to address fuel poverty, Bryson Energy, remains within the parent company and will transfer to a charitable subsidiary as from April 2015. Our charitable services companies are: • Bryson Care – services to families and older people in Belfast and the North West; • Bryson Intercultural – support for black and ethnic minority people and the Traveller community; • Bryson Lagansports – promoting active living, health and well-being in inner city communities; Our social enterprise trading companies are: • Bryson Future Skills – providing employment and training initiatives to young adults and those living with long term employment; • Bryson Recycling – providing kerbside recycling services. In the last financial year we have had a positive impact in a wide range of areas: ? We delivered over 212,000 hours of care and support to older people, helping them to remain in their own homes. ? We supported over 1,200 vulnerable children and their families. ? We provided over 1,500 hours of advice and support to newly arrived people from across the world seeking asylum. ? We supported 180 people from the Traveller community through our health, education, training and youth programmes. ? We supported 7,600 people in developing their skills and finding a new job. ? We recycled over 60,000 tonnes of household materials, selling 35% to local companies to create new products and support local jobs. ? We insulated 4,428 homes, reducing fuel bills and increasing comfort. ? We supported health and well-being by providing active living opportunities to 6,552 people from across the city.
Ambient Support Limited [Charity number: 1135353]
Provision of 24 hour care and support, which includes domiciliary care, residential care, nursing care, respite/short breaks, supported living, extra care, outreach and day care services.

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
CRV - East London provides following services: Vietnamese Elderly Support Services includes Drop in centre, advisory and information on welfare, housing, health, education, training, counselling and home visits. Luncheon club. Social cultural events and outing trips. Home care services.
KILBURN OLDER VOICES EXCHANGE [Charity number: 1137417]
Kilburn Older Voices Exchange advocates on behalf of older people in Kilburn and surrounding area on issues that people raise. Current projects include: road safety, road crossings, lack of public seating and toilets, home care standards, personal safety/fear of crime, promoting wellbeing. KOVE engages a diverse group of older people in its projects including community
MUSHKIL AASAAN LIMITED [Charity number: 1080666]
To upholding the rights and dignity of the individual and family, within a holistic model of support, embracing diversity, while addressing inequalities through community representation, development and advocacy. Providing 'specialist' packages of Domiciliary Care that transcend detailed knowledge of the Community's faith, values, customs, languages and dietary needs beyond that of basic needs.
Harmoni 2019 [Charity number: NI101731]
Hostel facilities for the homeless Supported housing facilities for the beneficiaries Provide respite care and domiciliary care for the beneficiaries and support for carers of the beneficiaries
The promotion of physical and mental well being of children and young people who are patients in hospital, hospice or receiving medical care at home by the promotion of high professional standards of play staff; to ensure the provision of appropriate theraputic and stimulating play facilities and support to those who carry out this work.
We staff advice & support sessions in 3 areas of Wiltshire, also staff advice and support helpline. In South Wilts, we also offer domiciliary advice and support service.
FUN [Charity number: 1027046]
The charity is established to help people with a learning or physical difficulty to relieve or reduce such difficulty by providing fun through recreational facilities and activities. This includes providing (a) respite care and support to young adults and children of 16 or over, and (b) domiciliary care and support to young adults living independently.
Improving the lives of visually impaired people in Northamptonshire. Activities include provision of Single Persons Accommodation, Talking Newspaper Service, Home Visiting Service, Mobile Sight Centre, Computer Training, Aids & Adaptations.
BRAINWAVE INDEPENDENCE GROUP [Charity number: 1162939]
The Charity provides advocacy support, domiciliary support, advice and guidance to family members and carers.We also intend to offer day services specifically applicable to but not exclusively for persons with a Brain Injury.
DEMENTIA MATTERS [Charity number: 1045517]
Dementia Matters provides support services to people with dementia and other degenerative neurological disorders and their carers. The charity provides a home care and support service in the community, independent supported living houses, day centres, residential respite care, training, advice and information and advocacy.