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Medical research RS101

Medical research is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Research category.

1,045 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 0.52% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:

\b((clinical|medical|disease) .* (trials|studies|study|research(ers)?)|(trials|studies|study|research(ers)?).* (clinical|medicine|disease)|RCT|random(ised)?( control)? trials?|clinical studies)\b

Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 289 0.35%
£10k - £100k 286 0.44%
£100k - £250k 112 0.58%
£250k - £500k 64 0.71%
£500k - £1m 70 1.21%
£1m - £10m 131 1.65%
Over £10m 36 1.94%
Total 988 0.52%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 770 0.46%
oscr 251 0.99%
ccni 24 0.34%
Total 1,045 0.52%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION [Charity number: 225971]
The BHF is the UK's largest independent funder of cardiovascular research in the UK. For over 60 years BHF has pioneered life-saving research that has helped halve the number of deaths from heart and circulatory disease in the UK. BHF also helps provide vital support and information for the 7.4m people living in the UK with heart and circulatory disease.
The provision of medical care to patients and the sick and the promotion and advancement of scientific research, good clinical practice and training.
The HALO Trust [Charity number: SC037870]
A. The relief of poverty, sickness, suffering and distress throughout the world, in particular by the provision of hydrological, engineering and other works and medical aid with particular emphasis on the care and rehabilitation of non-combatant victims in areas where there is human conflict and the provision of assistance in the removal of debris of military hardware which may be a direct threat to non-combatants in hazerdous areas where hostilities have ceased. B. To carry out or conduct or to assist in carrying out or conducting any research into the special problems arising from injuries sustained by noncombatants in hazardous areas and into methods of alleviating suffering arising therefrom and to publish the useful results of any such research. Provided always that in discharging the foregoing objects, it is hereby declared that the Company shall discharge and carry out its objects without recourse to any political stance or viewpoint whether party political or otherwise with the sole aim of relieving such poverty, sickness to distress.
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity undertakes fundraising activities in order to invest in development, research and innovation, welfare and clinical development projects, medical equipment and capital infrastructure, all of which will enhance Great Ormond Street Hospital's ability to transform the health and well being of children and young people.
Our Future Health [Charity number: SC050917]
The Charity's objects are restricted specifically only for the public benefit to preserve and advance human health and advance education in particular by engaging in, encouraging and supporting: 2.1.1 investigations into the separate and combined effects of genetic, environmental (including lifestyle, physiological and environmental exposures) and other factors on human health and welfare and on the risk, early detection and causation of diseases in the human population. 2.1.2 the establishment, holding, operation, management, promotion, support, expansion, improvement and safeguarding of a collection of biomedical, biochemical, epidemiological, genetic and other data and blood and other biological and biochemical samples obtained and developed through, for the purpose of and/or in connection with some or all of the investigations referred to in article 2.1.1 and pertaining to a cohort of human participants, for use in a research, knowledge and information resource. 2.1.3 the discovery, invention, improvement, development and application of treatments, cures, diagnostics and other medicinal agents, methods and processes that may in any way relieve illness, disease, disability or disorders of whatever nature in humans. 2.1.4 research into biological and medical sciences and other disciplines which may contribute to the improvement of human health and welfare ('Biosciences'). and 2.1.5 the study and understanding of any of the Biosciences.
HEALTH DATA RESEARCH UK [Charity number: 1194431]
The national institute for health data for England, Wales, Scotland and N Ireland. We develop and apply cutting-edge data science approaches to clinical, biological, genomic and other multi-dimensional health data to address the most pressing health research challenges facing the public. Our mission is to unite, improve and use the UK's health data to enable discoveries that improve people's lives
Emms Nazareth [Charity number: SC032510]
The relief of sickness, poverty or suffering by the establishment, maintenance etc of Medical Missions in accordance with Christian principles and in conformity with Christ's own example and command 'Heal the sick, and say unto them, 'The Kingdom of God is come night unto you'' in Israel and/or elsewhere. (b) the advancement of the Christian religion throughout the World. and (c) the advancement of the education and in particular the education of the general public throughout the World as to the teachings, life and times of Jesus of Nazareth. (d) the advancement of education by the teaching of all aspects of medicine and medical sciences and the promotion of medical science and medical research
UK Biobank Limited [Charity number: SC039230]
The objects for which the Company is established are to protect, preserve and advance all or any aspects of the health and welfare of human beings and to advance and promote knowledge and education by engaging in, encouraging and supporting: (i) investigations into the separate and combined effects of genetic, environmental (including lifestyle, physiological and environmental exposures) and other factors on human health and welfare and on the risk and causation of diseases in the human population. (ii) the establishment, holding, operation, management, promotion, support, expansion, improvement and safeguarding of a collection of biomedical, biochemical, epidemiological, genetic and other data and blood and other biological and biochemical samples obtained and developed through, for the purpose of andlor in connection with some or all of the investigations referred to in paragraph (i) and pertaining to a cohort of human Participants ('Data and Samples'), for use in a research, knowledge and information resource provisionally known as the UK Biobank ('the Resource'). (iii) research into biological and medical sciences and other disciplines which may contribute to the improvement of human health and welfare ('the Biosciences'). (iv) the discovery, invention, improvement, development and application of treatments, cures, diagnostics and other medicinal agents, methods and processes that may in any way relieve illness, disease, disability or disorders of whatever nature in human beings. and (v) the study and understanding of any of the Biosciences.
Anthony Nolan [Charity number: SC038827]
The objects for which the Company is established are: 2.1 the relief, treatment, cure or support of those with blood cancers or other blood disorders or affected by an immunological deficiency and any similar or related diseases or conditions (including the provision of support to their family members or carers). 2.2 the relief, treatment, cure or support of those who require a stem cell transplant or who are affected by any disease or condition that may be relieved, treated or cured by any organ or stem cell transplant (including the provision of support to their family members or carers). 2.3 the advancement of research into the causes of and the diagnosis, relief, treatment or cure of those requiring a stem cell transplant or who are affected by an immunological deficiency or any similar or related diseases or conditions and to publish the useful results of such research. and 2.4 the advancement of research into improving organ or stem cell transplantation or any related technique or technology and to publish the useful results of such research.
Enable Scotland (Leading The Way) [Charity number: SC021731]
The Company’s objects are to promote the welfare of people with learning disabilities by the promotion of services to them and their carers, including (without prejudice to the foregoing generality) services for:- (a) employment, training and occupation. (b) day care. (c) holidays and respite care. (d) domiciliary assistance. (e) advocacy. (f) education. (g) medical or nursing care. (h) financial and personal management and advice. and the foregoing may be promoted either by the Company making such provision itself or, insofar as it is charitable in Law, by the Company fostering, facilitating and encouraging such provision by others and to that end providing and promoting information, advice, assistance, education and research. The above objects shall be construed subject to the provision that they are charitable

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
The relief of sickness in those who have become or likely to become malnourished & who are unable to consume or absorb food in sufficient quantities to effect recovery. Advancement of education of health workers, patients, policy makers & general public in the importance of & methods for prevention & treatment of malnutrition in illness. Promotion of research into all aspects of clinical nutrition
PROSTATE CANCER RESEARCH [Charity number: 1156027]
The promotion of medical and scientific research into the causes and treatment of cancer and related diseases and the dissemination of the useful results thereof.
The provision of medical care to patients and the sick and the promotion and advancement of scientific research, good clinical practice and training.
- We are engaged in:- supporting the development of headache service delivery- providing programmes of continuing education for healthcare professionals - supporting an All Parliamentary Group - raising the profile of, and improving headache services- representing the experiences of clinicians, research scientists & headache sufferers- promoting collaboration on clinical management
Asthma and Lung UK [Charity number: SC038415]
the relief of persons suffering from diseases of the chest and lungs, to include, on a continuing basis, asthma, and the prevention of those diseases. the promotion of medical research into the prevention, treatment, alleviation and cure of those diseases and the dissemination of the useful results of such research for the benefit of the public and the promotion of post-graduate training and the creation of fellowships, hospitals, medical centres and research institutes. and the provision of care, support, services and information for persons suffering from those diseases’
THE HUMANE RESEARCH TRUST [Charity number: 267779]
The promotion and encouragement of medical and scientific research and learning for the benefit of the public and, in particular, in fields which may lead to the elimination of the use of animals in research.
AUTISM CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE [Charity number: 1191599]
The activities of the charity include providing clinical and social care services for autistic people and advancing education, training or employment opportunities in the field of autism research. The activities further include the encouragement, support and promotion of research into autism and related subjects.
THE MACULAR DISEASE SOCIETY [Charity number: 1001198]
Beating the fear and isolation of macular disease with world-class research, and the best advice and support.
Childrens Heart Disease Trust [Charity number: SC016507]
The objects of the Fund shall be the furtherance in any part of the world of investigation, study, observation, diagnosis, treatment, amelioration, cure of and research into cardiological disorders of children and ofand into disorders of a like nature.
Provide education / advocacy / advice / information to relevant medical staff and organisations, sponsor or undertake research, provide professional training, ensure high standards of practice

Last update: January 2, 2024
Created: January 2, 2024