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Dementia HE205

Dementia is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Health categoryand the Health condition subcategory.

586 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 0.29% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:


Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 140 0.19%
£10k - £100k 165 0.24%
£100k - £250k 69 0.33%
£250k - £500k 56 0.57%
£500k - £1m 31 0.50%
£1m - £10m 53 0.62%
Over £10m 26 1.28%
Total 540 0.28%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 492 0.29%
oscr 71 0.28%
ccni 23 0.32%
Total 586 0.29%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
THE ORDERS OF ST JOHN CARE TRUST [Charity number: 1048355]
To provide care to older people through care homes specialising in residential, dementia and nursing care, together with intermediate and day care.Care in the community is also provided in hospitals, at home and through the provision of extra care housing.
ALZHEIMER'S SOCIETY [Charity number: 296645]
Alzheimer's Society staff and volunteers provide services to people affected by dementia, including day care and home care, support and befriending services across England, Wales, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland. We provide information and training, and every year we invest in research. We campaign for the rights of people with dementia and those who care for them.
Radius Housing Association Limited [Charity number: NI102575]
Radius Housing Association provides housing, care and support to over 33,000 homes throughout Northern Ireland. Radius was established in 2017 following the merger of Helm and Fold housing associations and draws on over 80 years of combined experience to make a positive impact on housing and communities into the future. Radius is now one of the leading housing associations in Northern Ireland. Radius has also developed a range of services that allow us to offer our clients the right level of support in their own home or in our accommodation:- # Housing for Older People with Dementia and the Frail Elderly # Supported Housing # Day Care visits # Personal Pendant Alarms # Telemonitoring service (monitoring patient’s vital signs in their home) # Assistance for people with a disability to make home adaptations Radius's services are delivered in partnership with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the Department for Communities and the Health and Social Care Trusts.
Praxis Care [Charity number: NI103672]
Praxis Care is a major provider of services for adults and children with a learning disability, mental ill health, acquired brain injury and for older people, including people with dementia.
The charity operates in the North West of England and provides services for people with disabilities including adults with severe and enduring mental health problems, learning disabilities, autism, complex needs and dementia.
The main activity is the provision of 1096 registered beds for Residential, Dementia, and Nursing care in 17 Care Homes throughout England and Wales. In addition the Charity runs approximately 145 sheltered units for those who seek independence and can still look after themselves. Many of these tenants later become residents in the Homes.
ALZHEIMER'S RESEARCH UK [Charity number: 1077089]
Alzheimer's Research UK is the UK's leading dementia research charity. We believe in the power of research to defeat dementia. We fund pioneering studies that will make a difference to people's lives and we're committed to increasing funds for the next breakthrough. We are energising a movement to support and take part in research and to empower people through greater understanding of dementia.
Alzheimer's Research UK [Charity number: SC042474]
3.1 The Objects of the Charity are: (a) to preserve and protect the health of the public by promoting or assisting the promotion of research into the causal mechanisms of neuro-degenerative diseases with the aim of treating or preventing Alzheimer's Disease, dementia and other conditions having a similar or related cause and to disseminate the results of such research . and (b) to advance the education of the public into the symptoms, causes and treatment of dementia and other conditions having a similar or related cause.
CARE SOUTH [Charity number: 1014697]
Care South provides quality care services in the south of England to up to 2000 people each day. All aspects of care including dementia, nursing, frailty and special needs are provided to people either in Care South's care homes or in their own homes.
THE AVENUES TRUST GROUP [Charity number: 1130473]
The Avenues Group pioneers specialist social care that supports individuals facing disadvantage through illness and disability so they can live full lives in their local communities. We support adults and children in their own homes or in a residential setting who have learning disabilities, autism, mental health issues, acquired brain injury or dementia.

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
TIBBS DEMENTIA FOUNDATION [Charity number: 1166596]
Tibbs Dementia Foundation provides services which promote the improved health of people affected by dementia and which provide relief, including care and support, to people with dementia and those who care for them.
MY LIFE FILMS LIMITED [Charity number: 1157198]
My Life Film's charitable objective is to improve the lives of people living with dementia, and support their families, friends and carers through the use of creative filmmaking, storytelling and content. My Life Films provides film and video based services for people living with dementia and their carers.
BEACON DEMENTIA AND WELLBEING [Charity number: 1189109]
Delivery of craft-based activities to promote and support the development of new community relationships and wider community engagement; provision of education to raise awareness in Haslingden, Lancashire and beyond about loneliness, isolation and dementia issues; collaboration with other charities, voluntary organisations and public services in pursuance of the wider charity objectives.
Men Talking Together [Charity number: 1115985]
Visits to general educational venues.Visits to Theme Parks,ice skating, and indoor bowling venues. use of Community House with controlled internet facilities, youth workers providing healthy eating projects focusing on obesity Intergenerational work and working together/visiting with older people especially with disabilities and housebound learning about dementia friendliness .in communities
ALZHEIMER CAFÉ ISLE OF WIGHT [Charity number: 1171437]
Promote & protect the good health of people living with dementia, residing on the IW, their families and carers, through the provision of support groups and other such activities, services, advice and information.To advance the education of the public about dementia and about care and support for people living with dementia, their families and carersServices can be provided only to IW resident
Dementia UK [Charity number: SC047429]
The objects for which the Charity is established are: 2.1 The provision of professional nurses to support, help and care for those caring for people who are living with dementia (the service to be known as the Admiral Nurse Service and the nurses as Admiral Nurses). 2.2 The relief and care of the friends, relatives and carers of those who are living with dementia. 2.3 The relief, care and treatment of people who are living with dementia. 2.4 The development of a programme of practical research and the promotion of study and research into:- 2.4.1 understanding the causes nature and effects of dementia and into managing care for people living with dementia, 2.4.2 supporting people living with dementia and their relatives, friends or carers, and the publication of useful results of all such study and research. 2.5 The education of the public about dementia and the indirect effects on, and the needs of, people living with dementia and their relatives, friends and carers. 2.6 To engage in any charitable activities whatsoever which may protect and preserve the health of the relatives, friends and carers of people living with dementia.
DEMENTIA ACTION MARLOW [Charity number: 1197610]
Dementia Action Marlow runs weekly social support sessions for those living with dementia and their carers. We run occasional group outings too. We keep in contact with those unable to come along to our sessions by telephone, email or newsletter.
THE PAM BRITTON TRUST FOR DEMENTIA [Charity number: 1159848]
The Charity supports those newly diagnosed with Dementia and the immediate Family Carer/s in the Area of South Warwickshire.We support those referred to us, and also fund Community awareness events along with 'starting up' local Carer Groups in the area offering both friendship and advice. We continue to lobby for improvements in Dementia Awareness and Care in the Area.
AVENUES EAST [Charity number: 1061241]
Avenues East is part of a Group of charities which pioneer specialist social care supporting people facing significant disadvantage through illness and disability so they can live full lives in their local communities. We also support adults and children in their own homes or residential settings who have learning disabilities, autism, mental health issues, acquired brain injury or dementia.
THE PALMER CENTRE [Charity number: 1183959]
The Palmer Centre provides a Dementia Friendly Cafe service that is open to all from 8.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m., Monday to Saturday, every week, well-being and other recreational activities for older people and a room hire service.