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Addiction and dependency HE201

Addiction and dependency is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Health categoryand the Health condition subcategory.

1,090 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 0.54% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:

\b(addict(ion|ed)|alcohol(ism|ics?)?|substance (misuse|abuse(s|r|rs)?)|drug-free|drug (treatment|abuse|misuse)|overdoses?|methadone)\b

Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 242 0.32%
£10k - £100k 289 0.42%
£100k - £250k 136 0.66%
£250k - £500k 123 1.25%
£500k - £1m 69 1.12%
£1m - £10m 118 1.39%
Over £10m 23 1.13%
Total 1,000 0.52%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 707 0.41%
oscr 245 0.98%
ccni 138 1.92%
Total 1,090 0.54%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
change,grow,live [Charity number: SC039861]
3. The objects of the Charity are to relieve poverty in particular but not exclusively through the provision of housing, to relieve sickness and to advance the education and training in particular of all persons (and members of their families) who: 3.1.1 have committed or are likely to commit a criminal act or acts. or 3.1.2 have been or are or are in danger of becoming substance misusers. or 3.1.3 have been or are or are in danger of becoming addicted to or dependent upon drugs of any description including without limitation on the generality of the foregoing illegal drugs, alcohol, solvents or other addictive substances. or 3.1.4 have been or are or are likely to become victims of domestic abuse. or 3.1.5 have been or are or are likely to become homeless. or 3.1.6 suffer mental ill health. or 3.1.7 have suffered a legal restriction on their liberty In any penal or correctional establishment. to advance the education of the public by promoting study and research into homelessness and all aspects of and methods of crime prevention and delinquency and the prevention of drug abuse and substance misuse and to disseminate the useful results of such research. to promote for the public benefit the prevention of criminal acts and of drug abuse and substance misuse and of homelessness. to promote for the public benefit the protection of people and property from criminal acts and the effects of drug abuse and substance misuse. the promotion of charitable purposes within the member countries of the European Union, for the advancement of education, the protection of health, the relief of poverty, sickness and distress and to reduce substance related harm to the individual and the wider community. and to undertake such other activities as are charitable.
CHANGE, GROW, LIVE [Charity number: 1079327]
CGL provides a range of services to support individuals, families and communities whose lives are adversely affected by crime, substance misuse, homelessness, anti-social behaviour, domestic violence, social deprivation and lack of opportunity.The Charity works with challenging service users with complex needs, including those with entrenched drug habits and offending behaviour.
TURNING POINT [Charity number: 234887]
Turning Point provides health and social care services for people with a learning disability and also people at risk of, or with a mental health diagnosis, mental health issues, drug or alcohol use, misuse or dependency or other addictive behaviours.
HUMANKIND CHARITY [Charity number: 515755]
Humankind Charity specialise in working with people with complex, multiple needs and are committed to multi disciplinary working, within our own teams and with external agencies. We work with disadvantaged people and communities. Our main areas of work focus on Accommodation & Housing Support, Substance misuse, Families and young people, education, training and employment.
We Are With You [Charity number: 1001957]
We Are With You [Charity number: SC040009]
The relief of poverty and sickness among those persons generally who are dependent upon or affected by addiction to narcotic drugs and other similar substances or compounds of possible potential or suspected danger to the individual and the community (hereinafter referred to as drugs). (ii) The relief of poverty and sickness among parents of children affected by dependence upon or addiction to drugs and among families, any members of which are dependent upon or affected by addiction to drugs. (iii) The education and training of the individual and the community at large and advancement of education and training in and research into the danger arising from the habitual or other use of drugs together with publication of literature relating to dependence upon or addiction to drugs and of the results of any such research. (iv) The prevention of dependence upon or addiction to drugs, the consultation, treatment and care of those suffering from, and rehabilitation of those relieved from, dependence upon or addiction to drugs PROVIDED ALWAYS that any such treatment as aforesaid shall be carried out only under the supervision of a duly qualified medical practitioner under the National Health Service and wherever there occurs any reference in this Deed to treatment such treatment shall be construed as so limited.
Lifeline Project (subject to insolvency proceedings) [Charity number: SC045486]
The objects for which the Company is established (“the Objects”) are to relieve poverty, sickness and distress among those persons affected or who suffer from: 3.1.1 the addiction to drugs of any kind. 3.1.2 poor mental, emotional or physical health. 3.1.3 obesity and 3.1.4 sexually transmitted diseases including (without limitation) HIV and AIDS 3.2 to educate the public on matters relating to the prevention, effective management and treatment of drug misuse, poor mental emotional or physical health, obesity and sexually transmitted diseases, and 3.3 to support and assists individuals with their rehabilitation from offending with a view to preventing or reducing the risk of further crime.
Framework exists to meet the needs of homeless and vulnerable people by providing outreach, accommodation, support, treatment, care, training, resettlement and tenancy sustainment services. The service user group includes people with drug, alcohol and mental health problems and those with complex needs.
Quarriers [Charity number: SC001960]
2.1 To promote the relief and advancement of life opportunities for those faced with and affected by disadvantage through disability, addiction, chronic and/or terminal illness, mental infirmity, financial hardship and/or poverty and homelessness through person centred care and support in such ways as the company shall from time to time think fit without regard to race, nationality, creed, age, gender, or sexual orientation and without geographical restriction and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of such objects): (a) By establishing, maintaining and conducting residential care and other support services for the reception and care of persons who are suffering from any chronic and/or terminal illness or from any other physical or mental infirmity, disability or disease and by providing medical or other treatment and attention for any such persons. (b) Providing practical care and support of persons suffering from the effects of disability, chronic and/or terminal illness, poverty or suffering (such persons being hereinafter referred to as “the People We Support”) which care and support may include, without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the provision of counselling and emotional, therapeutic, financial, educational and domiciliary support, the provision of information, advice and training, the provision of nursing and medical services, the provision and facilitation of accommodation, the provision and facilitation of vocational training and employment services and/or other training to the People We Support. (c) By conducting or promoting or encouraging research and evaluation into the care, welfare and support of the People We Support and the dissemination of knowledge. Maximum text reached, further full information can be obtained directly from the Charity
Frontline services focus on 10-18 year olds who live with significant disadvantage, poverty, neglect and who have complex needs and face multiple risks. These include child exploitation, mental health, missing and runaways from home, substance misuse and children in and around the care system. We campaign about what needs to change to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people.

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
Main area of activity is London Borough of Newham. Current activities include: medium level support for homeless 16-25 year olds; specialised support for homeless adults with alcohol and substance issues; training for disadvantaged students; crisis support for refugees; advocacy and advice for informal carers; children and young people's work; and operating community facilities.
TTBS Juniors [Charity number: NI102961]
TTBS Juniors primarily runs soccer coaching sessions in two venues (GAPS Sports, Centrepoint and Lurgan Junior High) from Monday to Friday each week, with 8 affiliated teams provided for and playing within the local Mid-Ulster and Lisburn Leagues each Saturday. These sessions during the week are open to children and young people from Northern Ireland to take part; however we mainly attract the majority of participants from the Craigavon BC area. All sessions are taken by volunteers and mainly focus on developing fundamental movement skills of children and young people as they grow older. We intermittently cater 140 children between the ages 3-14 years old. We also organise educational workshops encouraging positive mental health at a number of venues in conjunction with local services such as PSNI and PIPS Upper Bann. These are very important to the ethos of our charity, since they are vital in our local area with various abuses so prevalent. We also provide positive mental health speakers to local schools/ community groups, encouraging vision and focus within education and have also provided speakers nationally. The core services of the charity include the aforementioned activities, however the charity is still growing and we are aiming to run season events for children and young people, such as Halloween camps, summer schemes and intervention programmes. These intervention programmes will be aimed at teenagers. Train to be Smart Juniors creates an outlet for the local community, encouraging parents and our volunteer to improve their skills and knowledge through qualifications and workshops. In this area of Lurgan/Craigavon, with increased alcohol, drugs and social media abuse leading to self harm and suicide, TTBS juniors engages with local groups and schools to promote education of signs and symptoms of anxiety/depression, and to emphasise the importance of sport as a medium to encourage positive mental health within our local community.
PHOENIX [Charity number: 1195566]
Financial aid to access addiction services such as therapy, detox, rehab and secondary treatment for individuals aged 18 plus, who are suffering with alcohol and/or drug addiction.Advocacy Sign-posting Individual and family support
THE FOLD OF CHRIST MINISTRIES [Charity number: 1051513]
British Institute of Innkeeping [Charity number: SC042351]
(a) To advance the vocational education and training of persons engaged or preparing be engaged in any aspect of the management, operation and regulation of premises at which alcoholic beverages and/or food of any type (whether prepared on or off the premises) are sold. and (b) to advance health by promoting high standards of public health and safety in the marketing, sale and consumption of alcohol, increasing public awareness of the dangers of over consumption and other abuses of alcohol and by education, advice, encouragement and otherwise, promoting high standards of responsibility in the marketing, sale and consumption of alcohol.
TALITHA KOUM COMMUNITY LTD [Charity number: 1135528]
This charitable company operates a supported housing centre and separate groups within the community to help women who want support as they move on from trauma and turmoil. Life events may include addiction, family breakdown, neglect, abuse and disempowerment. Professional staff help women to address individual needs, explore life goals and find the self-confidence to move on.
The Link Family and Community Centre [Charity number: NI101921]
The Link Family and Community Centre came into being in January 1997. It was formed to develop a Christian response to the needs of the Newtownards area; needs identified were underage drinking, drug abuse, lack of somewhere for young people to go, loneliness and isolation and a high incidence of teenage pregnancy. Since then the Link has become a registered charity and has developed work with some of the most marginalized members of the local community. Work includes: Youth-The vibrant youth project focuses on building relationships, reactive support and structured youth programmes which are developed in consultation with the young people. Programmes include residentials, group sessions and one to one work. Volunteering is actively promoted. Link Addiction Support Services (MARC Project)- Supporting those with addiction problems to reduce self harm, promote sobriety and maintain independence. The unrestricted access of the drop-in allows for conversation, showers, clean clothes and hot food. Housing support helps with maintaining tenancies, developing skills for independent living and hospital and prison visiting. Programmes of daily activities encourage sobriety and rehabilitation. Senior Citizens lunch club- Run by Senior Citizen volunteers for other Senior Citizens, a healthy lunch and good craic is provided on Monday each week. Lifts are also available. Tots Time @ The Link - provides children and their carers with an easily accessed community venue where children can learn through educationally stimulating play. By focusing on individual needs, children of all abilities can learn to share and care for each other while their carers find friendship and support. English Language Classes - The Link currently provides English classes, free of charge for members of the local ethnic minority community. Volunteer teachers work with both adults and their children in a welcoming and supportive environment each Monday night.
Turning Point Scotland [Charity number: SC028827]
5.1 to provide or assist in the provision of relief to those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, in particular (but without limitation) through the provision of accommodation and the provision of care. and 5.2 to carry on activities which benefit the community through the advancement of citizenship and community development in particular (but without limitation) in response to disadvantages caused by homelessness, drug and/or alcohol use and involvement in the criminal justice system.
ELMORE COMMUNITY SERVICES [Charity number: 1090616]
Elmore Community Services works with people with complex needs who do not easily fit the remit of other agencies. Needs arise from combinations of problems with mental health, substance misuse, homelessness, offending, exploitation and trafficking, learning and communication difficulties. We work across Oxfordshire. We provide practical help, emotional support, advocacy and outreach.
We help everyone who asks for help with their daily problems. - supported and improved relations between them and local communities,-striving to eliminate racial discrimination,- help families with alcohol and drug problems,- a run events for families with children .-help for the elderly and lonely