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Urban areas EC108

Urban areas is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Economic and community development category.

845 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 0.42% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:

\b(inner-? ?city|urban)\b

Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 247 0.33%
£10k - £100k 236 0.35%
£100k - £250k 105 0.51%
£250k - £500k 81 0.82%
£1m - £10m 58 0.68%
£500k - £1m 48 0.78%
Over £10m 9 0.44%
Total 784 0.41%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 415 0.24%
oscr 381 1.53%
ccni 49 0.68%
Total 845 0.42%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
Culture and Sport Glasgow [Charity number: SC037844]
4.1 To advance the arts, heritage, culture and science. 4.2 To advance education. 4.3 To advance public participation in sport which involves physical skill and exertion. 4.4 To advance health. 4.5 To promote civic responsibility, volunteering, the voluntary sector and/or the effectiveness or efficiency of charities. 4.6 To provide recreational facilities, and organise recreational activities, where such facilities/activities are available to members of the public at large with the object of improving their conditions of life. 4.7 To relieve those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. 4.8 To advance citizenship and community development (including urban regeneration) by harnessing the cultural and leisure assets of Glasgow, the contribution made by activities in furtherance of paragraphs 4.1 to 4.7, and a range of other measures, to increase vibrancy and promote positive perceptions of Glasgow as a place to work, live, study play, visit and invest - in a common effort with other public, private and third sector partners to address issues of social, economic and physical deprivation across the City of Glasgow, including health inequalities, social exclusion and unemployment. 4.9 To advance such similar charitable purposes as the directors may consider appropriate from time to time. through the provision of services (including those entrusted to it by Glasgow City Council) which contribute to advancing well-being (primarily the wellbeing of residents of Glasgow) including (i) the operation, management and development of museums, art galleries and other facilities which provide public access to collections of works of art, antiquities and objects of scientific interest. (ii) the development and delivery of arts and cultural activities and events, artistic programmes, scientific/research programmes and educational projects. (iii) the operation, management and development of libraries and the provision of library and archive services. (iv) the operation, management and development of indoor and outdoor sports facilities (including arrangements to facilitate access to such facilities by those on lower incomes or having special needs and to encourage wider participation in healthy exercise).(maximum text reached, further full information can be obtained directly from the Charity)
Foundation Scotland [Charity number: SC022910]
2.1 The Objects of the Foundation are specifically restricted to the charitable purposes contained in this Article 2. 2.2 The Objects to be undertaken in Scotland or elsewhere for which the Foundation is established are: 2.2.1 the advancement of citizenship or community development, to include rural and/or urban regeneration, the promotion of civic responsibility, volunteering, the voluntary sector and the effectiveness or efficiency of charities. 2.2.2 the prevention or relief of poverty. 2.2.3 the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. 2.2.4 the advancement of education. 2.2.5 the saving of lives. 2.2.6 the advancement of religion. 2.2.7 the advancement of health, to include the prevention or relief of sickness, disease or human suffering. 2.2.8 the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science. 2.2.9 the advancement of public participation in sport and in the provision of recreational facilities or the organisation of recreational facilities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended. 2.2.10 the advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation. 2.2.11 the promotion of religious or racial harmony. 2.2.12 the promotion of equality and diversity. 2.2.13 the advancement of environmental protection or improvement. 2.2.14 the advancement of animal welfare. 2.2.15 any other purpose that may reasonably be regarded as analogous to any of the preceding purposes. and 2.2.16 any other purpose under section 7 of the Charities Act which is also regarded as a charitable purpose in relation to the application of the Taxes Acts
Bryson Charitable Group [Charity number: NI101396]
Our services are delivered through five subsidiary charitable companies and two social enterprise trading companies. Our work to address fuel poverty, Bryson Energy, remains within the parent company and will transfer to a charitable subsidiary as from April 2015. Our charitable services companies are: • Bryson Care – services to families and older people in Belfast and the North West; • Bryson Intercultural – support for black and ethnic minority people and the Traveller community; • Bryson Lagansports – promoting active living, health and well-being in inner city communities; Our social enterprise trading companies are: • Bryson Future Skills – providing employment and training initiatives to young adults and those living with long term employment; • Bryson Recycling – providing kerbside recycling services. In the last financial year we have had a positive impact in a wide range of areas: ? We delivered over 212,000 hours of care and support to older people, helping them to remain in their own homes. ? We supported over 1,200 vulnerable children and their families. ? We provided over 1,500 hours of advice and support to newly arrived people from across the world seeking asylum. ? We supported 180 people from the Traveller community through our health, education, training and youth programmes. ? We supported 7,600 people in developing their skills and finding a new job. ? We recycled over 60,000 tonnes of household materials, selling 35% to local companies to create new products and support local jobs. ? We insulated 4,428 homes, reducing fuel bills and increasing comfort. ? We supported health and well-being by providing active living opportunities to 6,552 people from across the city.
Clyde Gateway URC [Charity number: SC039644]
The promotion for the public benefit of urban regeneration in areas of social and economic deprivation
Habinteg Housing Association (Ulster) Ltd [Charity number: NI103066]
Habinteg plans, develops and manages social housing schemes in urban and rural areas throughout Northern Ireland and works with a number of partner organisations in providing supported accommodation. The Association has a voluntary Board and 80+ members of staff based at offices in Holywood, Derry/Londonderry and residentially across the region. The Association’s directly managed housing stock provides a vast range of housing solutions, from large and medium sized suburban developments to inner city apartments to individual rural cottages. Partnership projects include sensitively designed housing with care schemes, temporary accommodation for people who are homeless, and housing initiatives for people with additional physical, mental and/or social needs. Managed housing stock is in excess of 1800 units at more than 90 locations and 18 partnership projects.
The Foundation aims to provide grants towards: relieving poverty, especially in urban areas; advancing and improving education, particularly for disadvantaged women and children in impoverished areas; and various other charitable endeavours at the discretion of the trustees.
THE NATIONAL FOREST COMPANY [Charity number: 1166563]
The National Forest Company works to conserve, protect and enhance the environment in general and specifically in the National Forest, for public benefit; in particular woodland creation & management; promotion of urban and rural regeneration and training, education and research.
Turquoise Mountain Trust [Charity number: SC037343]
(1) The objects of the Company are to promote education and urban and rural regeneration in areas of social and economic deprivation primarily, but not exclusively, in the Republic of Afghanistan by all or any of the following means.- (a) the relief of poverty. (b) the relief of unemployment (c) the advancement of education, training or retraining particularly among unemployed people, and providing unemployed people with work experience. (d) the creation of training and employment opportunities by the provision of teaching facilities, workspace, buildings and/or land for use on favourable terms. (e) the preservation of buildings or sites of historical or architectural importance. (f) the protection or conservation of the environment. (g) the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science. (h) to promote such other purposes, objects or institutions charitable in law and in such proportions and manner as the Directors shall think fit and are related to or in support of the foregoing objects.
The Conservation Volunteers [Charity number: SC039302]
1.To conserve the environment for the benefit of the public, including: 1.1. The conservation and maintenance of the character and amenity of rural, urban and inner city areas. 1.2. The maintenance and management of nature reserves and other sites of biological, scientific or environmental importance. 2.To educate the public in the principles and practice of conservation through volunteering and community support. 3. To advance the education of the public through the provision of training. In particular:- 3.1. In practical conservation skills. 3.2. Basic Skills. 3.3. Skills to improve employment prospects. 4. To develop the capacity and skills, primarily through volunteer opportunities, of the public at large andlor those who by reason of youth, age, infirmity or disablement, poverty or economic and social circumstances, have need of such facilities with the object of improving their conditions of life.
The Kiltwalk [Charity number: SC042580]
The organisation's purposes: 4.1 The prevention or relief of poverty and the advancement of education. 4.2 The advancement of health and the saving of lives. 4.3 The advancement of citizenship or community development (including rural or urban regeneration). 4.4 The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science and public participation in sport. 4.5 The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended. 4.6 The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. 4.7 To work together with Scottish charities to support disadvantaged children and adults. and 4.8 To provide charities and unincorporated bodies with a means to fundraise for their own charitable purposes.

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
PADDINGTON DEVELOPMENT TRUST [Charity number: 1080883]
The promotion for the public benefit of urban or rural regeneration in areas of social and economic deprivation (and in particular within the Greater London area) by way of all or any of the following means: relief of poverty and unemplyement; the advancement of education, training or retraining; providing unemployed people with work experience; creation and improvement of businesses.
THE DORCHESTER CIVIC SOCIETY [Charity number: 268636]
Dorchester Civic Society exists to stimulate people's interest in the town and its setting; promote high standards of architecture, urban design and planning; safeguard buildings and areas of historic interest; and promote civic pride. The Society is a member of Civic Voice.
INNER CITY LIFE [Charity number: 1178849]
The charities purpose is to provide supported living to vulnerable adults who are homeless for various reasons.
RECREATION GROUND DARTON [Charity number: 504514]
A public park and recreation or pleasure ground for the benefit of the urban district of Darton and the neighbourhood.
Johnstonebridge Centre and Community Development Trust Ltd [Charity number: SC043738]
The Company has been formed to benefit the community of Johnstone Parish as defined by the postcode units DG11 1HD, DG11 1HW, DG11 1HE, DG11 1HS, DG11 1HN, DG11 1HP, DG11 1HF, DG11 1HR, DG11 1HL, DG11 1HH, DG11 1HG, DG11 1HJ, DG11 1HQ, DG11 1ES, DG11 1EP, DG11 1EG, DG11 1EU, DG11 1ET, DG11 1ER, DG11 1EX, DG11 1EY, DG11 1EQ, DG11 1TJ, DG11 1TH, DG11 1BG, DG11 2SL, DG11 2RT, DG11 2RS, DG11 2RU, DG10 9PS, DG10 9PR, DG10 9PX, DG10 9PP, DG10 9PT, DG10 9NF, DG10 9NX, DG10 9NE, DG10 9ND. ('the Community'), with the Purposes listed in the sub-clauses hereto ('the Purposes'), to be exercised following the principles of sustainable development (where sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs), namely: To manage community land and associated assets for the benefit of the Community and the public in general. To provide, or assist in providing, recreational facilities, and/or organising recreational activities, which will be available to members of the Community and public at large with the object of improving the conditions of life of the Community. To advance community development, including urban or rural regeneration within the Community. To advance the education of the Community about its environment, culture, heritage and/or history. To advance environmental protection or improvement including preservation, sustainable development and conservation of the natural environment, the maintenance, improvement or provision of environmental amenities for the Community and/or the preservation of buildings or sites of architectural, historic or other importance to the Community.
JOINT FORCES ALLIANCE LTD [Charity number: 1148125]
We operate a furniture project, food bank , urban sensory and learning gardens, and support for the ex-military which is our core activity base.
Tain and North Highland YMCA SCIO [Charity number: SC051455]
8. The Charitable purposes of the organisation are: a. The advancement of the Christian faith and religious/racial harmony. reflecting the Christian ethos of the YMCA through programme and actions and promoting understanding of other faiths and religions. b. To advance educational opportunities for the community, particularly children, young people and families, through a programme of activities and discussion, promoting the development of citizenship and health. c. The advancement of citizenship or community development (including rural and urban regeneration): involving members in care and work of the organisation and community and to provide support and guidance to children, young people and families. d. The provision of recreational facilities, and the organisation of recreational activities and sports with the object of improving the conditions of life for the person for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended - helping them to reach their fullest potential in body, mind and spirit. e. The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial, hardship or other disadvantage including the provision of food and other basic needs that contribute to the prevention and relief of poverty. 9. In furtherance of the above charitable purposes the organisation will work in partnership with other YMCAs and agencies locally, nationally and internationally to develop opportunities for members and service users. and promote events by which the Associations aims & purposes may be furthered.
McSence Ltd [Charity number: SC016874]
I. To prevent and relieve poverty by training for work skills, up-skilling the community through training and development to enhance employment opportunities, encouraging fair trade, self employment and entrepreneurial skills and by providing direct grants to individuals or constituted groups within the community who are in need. II. To improve education by operating training programmes and working with schools, colleges and other educational providers to promote and provide educational opportunities for community members. III. To advance community development by the management of community land and associated assets for the benefit of the Community and the public in general following principles of sustainable development, where sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. IV. To advance community development through regeneration of the community by the maintenance or improvement of the physical and economic infrastructure and by assisting people who are at a disadvantage because of their economic circumstances. V. To provide, or assist in providing, recreational facilities, and/or organising recreational activities, which will be available to members of the public at large with the object of improving the conditions of life of the Community and following principles of sustainable development, by operating community owned facilities. VI. To advance rural and urban regeneration of the community following principles of sustainable development by developing and managing community land and built environment assets. VII. To advance the environmental, cultural and/or historical knowledge of the community through the education of its members. VIII. To promote civic responsibility within the community by the advancement of environmental protection or improvement including preservation, and conservation of the natural environment, the promotion of sustainable development, the maintenance, improvement or provision of environmental amenities for the community and/or the preservation of buildings or sites of architectural, historic or other importance to the community.
True Light Ministries International [Charity number: NI101415]
The benefits flowing from the relief and prevention of poverty, suffering and distress and the promotion, preservation and protection of health 1. Children's Homes (houses for children who are affected with poverty) 2. Orphanages (for children who are complete or partial orphans) 3. Residential Care Homes for poor elderly 4. Assistance with the cost of medical Treatment 5. Tailoring Institutions (for poor woman to equip themselves with the vocation) 6. Schools for extra urban areas where there are little or no educational facilities 7. Christian Educational Centres (for religious education) 8. Free Medical Camps (where there are options for medical support) 9. Marriage support (for girls who are struggling to get married due to financial difficulties) 10. Relief work during Natural Calamities 11. AIDS/ Drugs / Social evil awareness programmes are some of the activities the Trust aims to do.
Centre for Thriving Places [Charity number: 1143037]
We provide training, projects and communication support which help to develop the capacity and skills of the members of socially disadvantaged communities in urban areas in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society.