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People with learning disabilities BE110

People with learning disabilities is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Beneficiary group category.

2,185 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 1.08% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:

\b(learning (disabilit|difficult)(ies|y)|autis(m|tic)|adhd|attention deficit)\b

Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 604 0.80%
£10k - £100k 570 0.84%
£100k - £250k 253 1.22%
£250k - £500k 157 1.59%
£500k - £1m 130 2.11%
£1m - £10m 284 3.34%
Over £10m 80 3.93%
Total 2,078 1.09%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 1,795 1.05%
oscr 253 1.01%
ccni 137 1.90%
Total 2,185 1.08%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
Royal Mencap Society [Charity number: SC041079]
‘The charity's objects ('Objects') are specifically restricted to advancing the health, education and the well-being of people with a learning disability and their families and carers (the beneficiaries) by providing, procuring or facilitating care, services and facilities and to advance equality and diversity for people with a learning disability.’
ST ANDREW'S HEALTHCARE [Charity number: 1104951]
The UK's leading independent charitable provider of specialist mental health care, working with the NHS in the UK to meet the needs of those with psychiatric illness, developmental disability, acquired brain injury and related disorders. The range of services is available to men, women, and young people with needs in mental health, learning disability, brain injury and/or neurological impairment.
TURNING POINT [Charity number: 234887]
Turning Point provides health and social care services for people with a learning disability and also people at risk of, or with a mental health diagnosis, mental health issues, drug or alcohol use, misuse or dependency or other addictive behaviours.
UNITED RESPONSE [Charity number: 265249]
United Response is a national charity that works with adults and young people with learning disabilities, mental health needs or physical disabilities. Our mission is to enable the people we support to take control of their lives. United Response is community based, working in many localities across England and Wales, providing everything from 24 hour care to a few hours of support a week.
The National Autistic Society [Charity number: SC039427]
The Objects are the development, delivery and promotion of the education, health, welfare, care and support of people with autism and related conditions ('people with autism').
THE NATIONAL AUTISTIC SOCIETY [Charity number: 269425]
Campaigning and lobbying.Raising Awareness.Day and residential schools with outreach.Registered adult care homes, plus supported living.A diagnosis and assessment centre, and diagnostic training.Resource Centres.Family support.Social groups.Early intervention and post diagnosis support.Helpline.Education Rights and Welfare Rights services.Supported Employment.Information.
AFFINITY TRUST [Charity number: 1139891]
Affinity Trust supports people with learning disabilities. The main model of support is Supported Living but Day Opportunities and a small number of Residential places are also provided.Affinity Trust supports people with a wide range of support needs and has considerable experience of supporting people with complex support needs such as challenging behaviour.
Affinity Trust [Charity number: SC043881]
The Charity's objects ('the Objects') are the relief of persons with learning difficulties or disabilities, mental or physical difficulties or disabilities, the elderly, those who are chronically sick and persons who are socially, mentally and physically vulnerable by: (a) the management and provision either directly or indirectly by arrangement subcontract or otherwise with other persons firms bodies trusts NHS trusts agencies, Local Authorities public authorities or Government departments of such comprehensive support services and benefits of high quality as may be required by the beneficiaries. (b) the management and provision and ownership (including co-ownership) for such persons as aforesaid in need thereof of houses, hostels, hospitals or other establishments or facilities or accommodation and any associated amenities specially designed or adapted to meet the handicaps and disabilities and requirements of the beneficiaries. (c) the management and provision of services, advice or assistance upon terms appropriate to their means to such persons as aforesaid in need thereof in arranging or carrying out works of improvement, repair or maintenance to houses occupied by them, and providing any associated amenities specially designed or adapted to meet the handicaps disabilities and requirements of the beneficiaries.
THERA TRUST [Charity number: 1090163]
The Thera Group of companies supports people with a learning disability. It employs staff who support people in their own home, in their local community and for short breaks. Thera also provides financial advocacy and quality assurance services; as well as developing and running social enterprises.
HF TRUST LIMITED [Charity number: 313069]
Provision of care services for adults with learning disabilities.Provision of advice and support to families and carers of people with learning disabilities

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
LANDAU LIMITED [Charity number: 1048645]
Landau is a supported employment and work related training organisation providing one to one support for people with learning disabilities.
Sri Lanka Children's Appeal - Scotland [Charity number: SC043102]
The association?s objects are: to provide relief from poverty for children with physical and learning disabilities at the Village of Hopes and Dreams at Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka by providing specialist accommodation and long term care relief from poverty for children with physical and learning disabilities at the Village of Hopes and Dreams at Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka by providing a subsistence (food) allowance for families of school children within the village community of Senarathwela, Sri Lanka by providing training, education and social assistance to help local people manage relief from poverty for children with physical and learning disabilities at the Village of Hopes and Dreams at Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka by fundraising within Scotland for the Manacare Foundation (UK Charity Registration No 1108701) allowing them to sustain their charitable objectives in Sri Lanka and specifically for the Village of Hopes and Dreams and Senarathwela School, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended,
ST ANNE'S COMMUNITY SERVICES [Charity number: 502224]
We provide support services throughout the North of England for people who are homeless, who have a learning disability, mental health problems or substance use problems. A wide range of services include Supported Living, Supported Housing, Registered Care and Nursing Homes,respite care, direct access and resettlement hostels and a range of community based support.
AUTISM.WEST MIDLANDS [Charity number: 517077]
Autism West Midlands is the leading provider of specialist autism services in the West Midlands. We support people with autism and their families through our residential and supported living services, and through family support, education, advice, training, and support into employment. We are an active member of the Autism Alliance - the leading group of UK autism charities.
The provision of residential care, day services and education for people with autistic spectrum disorders, asperger syndrome, ADHD and other behaviourally linked disorders.
THE NORTHAM CARE TRUST [Charity number: 1081784]
Provision of both residential and day care services for adults with learning disabilities
Newtownabbey Arts & Cultural Network [Charity number: NI100473]
NACN organises training in many different subjects since conception we have placed members of the community on the following training , Leadership & Management , Human Rights , Conflict Resolution ,Conflict Management Child Protection, Volunteer Now , HND in Community Development , ICT and Growing Tolerance also helps establish Groups when required by the community ie Autism Group. NACN provide the conduit to meet with statuary organisations regarding health and well being or any other issues brought to our attention. We also organise for youth to get involved in sport through taking part in local training and tournaments. Promoting cultural activities by using music and the teaching of music, along with drama as a way to engage intergenerational work.
BUTTERFLIES - HAVEN [Charity number: 1168333]
The relief of children and young person's affected by the complex Autism Spectrum (with or without diagnosis) or with a development delay, by the provision of support, facilities and services for them and their families. This service is provided to families from Bath an North East Somerset, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Somerset and Wiltshire.
ABILITY NORTH LONDON [Charity number: 1121171]
To promote and advance the education, training and development of young people/adults in the United Kingdom having physical, behavioural or learning difficulties so as to ensure that so far as possible they may develop as individuals and members of society, and that their difficulties may be relieved.To provide facilities for the recreation and other leisure time occupation of the said persons.
RAY OF HOPE [Charity number: 1124415]
provide regular meetings for parents and carers .to provide activities for children who have additional needs to participate in to raise awareness of autism adhd within the community.