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Beneficiary group BE

Beneficiary group is a tag in the UK-CAT classification of charities in the UK. It is part of the Beneficiary group category.

77,593 charities have been tagged with this tag. This represents 38.31% of all charities.

Keywords to find charities

UK-CAT categories are applied to charities based on a set of keywords, in the form of a regular expression.

The regular expression used to find charities in this tag is:


Distribution by size of charity

Income band Charities with tag Percent of all charities
Under £10k 27,577 36.54%
£10k - £100k 25,895 37.98%
£100k - £250k 8,650 41.70%
£250k - £500k 3,958 40.20%
£1m - £10m 3,511 41.27%
£500k - £1m 2,384 38.72%
Over £10m 829 40.72%
Total 72,804 38.13%

Distribution by charity regulator

Regulator Charities with tag Percent of all charities
ccew 63,614 37.33%
oscr 10,268 41.16%
ccni 3,711 51.50%
Total 77,593 38.31%

Ten largest charities (by income)

Name Latest income
Save the Children works in around 120 countries to deliver immediate and lasting change to children's lives. We program across all contexts to ensure all children survive, learn and are protected. Save the Children International and 29 member organisations make up Save the Children Association. Together in 2015 we reached 62 million children directly through our and our partners' work.
BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION [Charity number: 225971]
The BHF is the UK's largest independent funder of cardiovascular research in the UK. For over 60 years BHF has pioneered life-saving research that has helped halve the number of deaths from heart and circulatory disease in the UK. BHF also helps provide vital support and information for the 7.4m people living in the UK with heart and circulatory disease.
THE ORMISTON TRUST [Charity number: 1164358]
Ormiston Trust supports children and their families by way of grants to Ormiston organisations and the sponsorship of Multi Academy Trusts. Four core values underpin our work: Nurture; Empower; Innovate; and Impact.
MSI REPRODUCTIVE CHOICES [Charity number: 265543]
MSI Reproductive Choices is one of the world's leading providers of sexual and reproductive healthcare. We believe that everyone should have the right to choose. From contraception to safe abortion and life-saving post- abortion care, we are committed to delivering compassionate, high- quality services. Our 9,000 team members work across 37 countries, reaching over 35,000 women each day.
Barnardo's [Charity number: SC037605]
The Objects of the Charity are for the public benefit: To promote the care, safety and upbringing of children and young people by:- supporting and assisting those in need, their families and carers. promoting their health. and advancing their education. The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.
BARNARDO'S [Charity number: 216250]
Barnardo?s helped improve the lives of more than 240,000 vulnerable children, young people and their families. We help children including those who have been sexually exploited, young people leaving care, children with a parent in prison and provide early intervention for families struggling to cope. We find adoptive homes and foster placements for children in care and campaign to change policy.
THE GIRLS' DAY SCHOOL TRUST [Charity number: 306983]
To remain at the forefront of education, extend excellence and innovation in dynamic educationalsettings and maintain our leadership in the education of young people, principally women.
Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind [Charity number: SC038110]
' To take or promote measures for the prevention and cure of blindness in the countries and territories specified under article 4 of this our charter and for the education, rehabilitation, training and employment of the blind in those countries and territories and ' To foster collaboration among organisations concerned with blindness and its prevention and to promote and where appropriate, to participate in national, regional and international activities likely to prevent blindness and benefit the blind in any part of the world.
Seventy five per cent of blindness in the world is either avoidable or treatable. Sightsavers works with partners in developing countries to eliminate avoidable blindness and promote equality of opportunity for disabled people. Our work alleviates poverty among poor and marginalised communities and thus helps to realise the internationally accepted Millenium Development Goals.
The Shaw Trust Limited [Charity number: SC039856]
The objects of the company are: (a) To relieve any person who is in need because of any disability or because of any other disadvantage resulting from unemployment, youth, age, financial hardship, ill-health or because they are offenders, ex-offenders or are at risk of offending. (b) The promotion of the health, equality and independence of disabled people. and (c) The prevention and relief of poverty. in particular by providing education, training, rehabilitation, support, employment opportunities and personal development opportunities. The company will be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion.

Ten random charities

Name Latest income
ALLESTREE EVERGREEN CLUB [Charity number: 220557]
Maintains premises where people over 50 years of age in the local community can enjoy activities such as dancing, snooker, whist and other card games for a small subscription currently ú4 pa as from 1-8-07. Organises outings for members to local places of interest or entertainment. Rent out the premises to other local groups with such varied activities as dancing, yoga, health and fitness, gardeni
NEAD TRUST [Charity number: 1131287]
We run a monthly support group in Sheffield on the first Saturday of every month, and a annual support group in Manchester in December. These meetings give sufferers advice, support and social contact with other sufferers. We also host a Medical Conference every year in April and a Family Fun Day every September in Hillsborough Park Sheffield.
home work and supplementary education, pensioner club along with outdoor and indoor activities for elderly people holiday play scheme, To relieve poverty and financial hardship by providing financial assistant to the disadvantaged people.
- Supporting victims of Domestic Violence-Supporting the Homeless- offering consumer advice - Sexual and mental health promotions and awareness.- General Health Promotion, outreach and advocacy works.- Teanage pregnancy, youth and young people services.- Training workshops and Seminars - Volunteering opportunities.- referrals to other specialist agencies.
Limestone Youth Training Project Ltd [Charity number: NI101587]
We provide pastoral care and forge effective relationships with learners and parents. We provide all learners with equality of opportunity in education irrespective of relation, gender or ethnic background. We work with outside agencies in particular Disability Action to provide specialist support.
Mtende Community Project [Charity number: SC049634]
4 The organisation's purposes are: The prevention or relief of poverty - by working with local communities in northern Malawi to facilitate the development of strategies designed to raise income for the communities which they can apply to their needs. by working with small businesses in northern Malawi to create employment and income. by sending donated goods from Scotland to meet specific and general needs by supplying teaching materials for community nurseries and schools. To provide school fees for secondary education and to provide sports equipment for the youth to promote behaviour change.
KENT FOSTER CARE ASSOCIATION [Charity number: 1164174]
We provide support, education and social events for Kent County Council registered foster carers and their families. We support by providing a network of emotional support and we advocate for the carers. We provide education by distribution of information and the provision of training to current foster carers and for the recruitment of foster carers. We provide social activities for our members
NAJAT FOUNDATION [Charity number: 1133459]
Provide and support to children and poor and widow To work for the eradication of poverty through international assisted programmesThe relief of poverty sickness and distress by providing ambulance servicesThe promotion of good health and health education and any such other purposedeemed charitable by the law of England and wales as the trustees shall from time to time determine.
Cheltenham District Scouts are part of the Scout Association which exists by authority of a Royal Charter, granted by King George V in 1912 and further Charters by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II.The Cheltenham District Scout Association works within the Policy, Organisation and Rules of the Scouts Association to deliver adventure, development of and community work for and by Young People.
Delivery of quality assured programme of Education Business Link(EBL) activities to children and young people in East Kent, in line with the government's frameworks for Education Business Link.